Neon Dungeon brings NFTs to a simple, fun, and colourful new game

For any non-fungible beginner, or veteran, this new collection of collectible and playable trading cards is sure to bring back fond memories.

Daniel Faubion
4 min readNov 27, 2021

If you’re also in your 30s, then you may have fond memories of schoolyard Pokemon games, arguing over Yu-gi-oh rules, and unwrapping sleeves of Football cards (Minnesota Vikings was my, sorry… is my team).

Having something rare, fun and unique to you was nothing short of the textbook definition of cool. In the NFT space, that cool factor continues to thrive for adults and teens alike.

The Neon Dungeon illustrates this perfectly well.

No gas fees, awesome cards, solid roadmap

The Neon Dungeon has its full collection on Opensea, minted on the MATIC (Polygon) chain. This means there aren’t all the nasty fees of Ethereum associated with minting/purchases. Cards range from E0.0015 (~$7) to E1 ($4k+). This wide range of affordability gives everyone a chance to come into the game at a very reasonable price.

The collection has started with a solid minting of 500 “Freaks and Beasts” in its Zero Generation (meaning first issue) collection. These are the only available cards currently, which means many investors/players have a solid chance to get in at the beginning.

A Roadmap is a must have for me, personally. I was pleased to see the creators started out with one here. You can view the roadmap on their main page. While the game is currently run through bots made by their developer in Discord, the standalone game is in an upcoming update along with a future generation of cards and more!

The Cards themselves

500 different cards with over 100 unique and hand-designed pieces ensures that each card is one-of-a-kind, and the individual traits of these Freaks and Beasts really come into play when battling!

The cards have a Gem Score (bottom-left) that affects their starting turns, a tie-breaking elemental symbol, 5 individual stats (used in battle), and HP and armour classes.

The game itself runs quite simply and with a lot of randomness thrown into each match to ensure something new and fun always happens. These cards are awesomely designed; I must say that the artwork was the first major selling point for me — major kudos to their designer!

Utility NFTs are the future

Recent news surrounding the “questioned validity of the NFT market” seems to constantly highlight the value of something that can be “right-click saved” for free. The Neon Dungeon is one of the few NFT projects out there, like Project Nebula, that takes that power away from the nay-sayers.

The game can only be played with cards that are owned by the players, and the value that it gives them is nothing to be trifled with. Proof of card ownership is necessary in each battle between players to rank and progress and earn NFTs through gameplay.

I have no doubt that projects, like this one, highlighting the need for use-case-scenario NFTs will continue to shine, especially with major gaming companies like EA putting their belief in the same value.

I’m having fun, isn’t that the point?

Seriously, the Discord community is on the ground-floor, but the interactions and battles between players are fun and full of freeform descriptions and excitement.

Players use their card’s stats to battle in 3–5 stages (two ways to fight) and the use of Buffs and other factors change your card’s stats constantly. You really never know what may happen, a good balancing act between those participating.

My first card here is still one of my favs, though I’m admittedly 4 cards in by now! Kobolds, Skeletons, Golems, Goblins and Humans are in a constant war against each other!

The Discord bot commands are simple to use and players are encouraged to add their own flavour to games through illustrative and narrative text. Honestly, the Dungeon Master inside me loves this.

For only a few bucks and no gas, you really can’t go wrong with a Zero Generation utility NFT like this.

Hope to see you on the dance (battle) floor.






Daniel Faubion

Copywriter, proofreader, creative, wanna-be photographer.